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GDPR Website Compliance – Make Your Website Compliant 7 Key Areas

GDPR Website Compliance

If you have done nothing yet to implement

GDPR Website Compliance – Now is the time

to make your website compliant.

(The new law effective from 25 May 2018)

Is it time to panic?

Wordpress Websites Compliance

Make Your Website GDPR Compliant -7 Key Areas

These 7 key points

Once updated

will help to make

your website

GDPR Compliant



Website Is Not Compliant With GDPR In 7 Areas

Website Is Not Compliant With GDPR In 7 Areas

Website Compliant With GDPR in 7 Key Areas - GDPR Website Compliance

Website Compliant With GDPR in 7 Key Areas - GDPR Website Compliance

I did not realise until recently that my website would need to be updated because of GDPR. I feel better knowing my website now complies with the new law in several important areas

Easy Withdrawl Of User Consent

GDPR regulations also provide

that users should be given an easy way

to withdraw their consent.

A management function on your

website will help you comply with this requirement.

The is in addition to the usual \’unsubscribe link\’

sent out in emails.

User Management - Unsubscribe Option For Users GDPR

Make Your Enquiry

Click the GDPR image to complete the enquiry form

Your details are private and  protected by our privacy policy

The new GDPR law is in effect from 25th May 2018 

If you are ignoring GDPR because you think we are leaving the EU this will not help.

The UK is implementing the Data Protection Act 2018 to run alongside the GDPR

The ICO  is the official body dealing with the regulations in the UK.

The Information Commissioner has warned firms to expect her organization to enforce the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) immediately

“There will be no ‘grace’ period – there has been two years to prepare and we will be regulating from this date”

Legal v Illegal Business

Legal v Illegal Business

Time to update your website and make it legally compliant

Make your website legally compliant

Updates To Websites

Updates to websites will be required to comply with the new law and regulations

You can take away the worry and headache required by compliance.

Now is the time to begin updating your website to comply with the changes. 

GDPR actually covers more issues than just your website but websites are what we deal with here

I am not a lawyer and I am not providing anything here that should be considered as legal advice.

You should ensure you are satisfied with your own businesses compliance with GDRP. 

I do however advise focusing on getting your website up to date and legally compliant. That can then be ticked off as completed. GDPR Website Compliance should be on your \’to do\’ list.

Privacy for personal data

Privacy for personal data

Any business or organization holding ‘personal data’, (which has a very wide and extensive meaning) and relating to any EU citizen, must comply with the new law and GDPR Website Compliance an important element

As I mentioned above, I not a lawyer but I have however carried out much research dedicated to understanding the new law.  I have also taken a course on the new GDRP provisions especially as they relate to websites and marketing. I have also been connected with a reputable legal expert in GDPR, assessing various questions arising out of the GDPR regulations.

As I understand it, the things I showed above are several areas required by websites to show compliance with the new regulations.

The law is complex and has many grey areas.

This does not mean you should ignore GDPR.

Privacy by design

Privacy by design

One thing is for sure

In the event of an referral or investigation (which is most likely to come from someone who knows your website or maybe even a competitor trying to get you into trouble), if you have ignored the law completely and made no attempt to comply with it – this will be viewed unfavourably and the legislation provides for substantial fines.

The fines are applied in tiers. The annual global turnover is looked at and a 2% fine of can be applied to things like not keeping records in order. For more serious breaches the fines increase, up to 20 million euros or 4% of a company’s global revenue, whichever is higher.

Please note that the regulations themselves provide that changes and amendments will be part of the ongoing process of compliance and the ICO will be offering updated advice as the situation matures.

Ignoring GDPR Can Mean Other Disadvantages Strike You

Ignoring GDPR can mean ending up out of pocket with fines. It can also mean that advertisers may withhold campaigns if you are not in compliance.

It can also affect your product launches, affiliate campaigns and business operations in general.

Potential Partners And Business Owners May Avoid You

Potential partners and business owners may well want to avoid businesses that fail to comply with GDPR in order to avoid putting themselves at risk.

Unhappy customer complains

Unhappy customer complains

Ease Of Management For GDRP On Your Website

As you have seen above, there is a way to see at a glance where your website is compliant across major compliance points.

Do you think this will make your life easier, as you implement GDPR for your business?

Imagine removing the headache and worry out of compliance and getting security and peace of mind in the main areas where GDPR applies to your website

You can do that now by clicking the GDPR image to make your enquiry. Ease of management for GDPR on your website is a necessity. We will set everything up for you. Make your enquiry now.

Website Benefits of GDPR Compliance